Posts Tagged ‘Accessibility’

Rigidity of partially hyperbolic automorphisms from volume Lyapunov spectra

August 27, 2018

Last week Boris Kalinin, Victoria Sadovskaya and myself have posted a short preprint on Lyapunov spectrum stability on the arxiv. We have been inspired by work Saghin-Yang discussed here earlier. Namely we have generalized the local rigidity Theorem for Anosov automorphisms on tori by relaxing the assumption on the spectrum. We don’t need the spectrum to be real anymore and allow pairs of complex eigenvalues. We can handle corresponding 2-dimensional intermediate foliations with the help of Continuous Amenable Reduction Theorem (due to Boris and Victoria). Interestingly there is also a partial generalization to certain partially hyperbolic toral automorphisms:

Theorem Let {L : \mathbb T^d \rightarrow\mathbb T^d} be a totally irreducible automorphism with exactly two eigenvalues of modulus one and simple real eigenvalues away from the unit circle. Let {f} be a volume-preserving {C^{22}}-small perturbation of {L} such that the Lyapunov exponents of {f} with respect to the volume are the same as the Lyapunov exponents of {L}. Then {f} is {C^{1+\varepsilon}} conjugate to {L}.


Transitivity of strong unstable foliation

May 12, 2018

This is to give an update on problem 3 from my 2009 post. Recently Aleksey Kolmogorov, Itai Maimon and I performed high precision computer experiments which confirmed that the strong unstable manifold through the fixed point W^{uu}(p) is dense in \mathbb T^3. Based on our computer experiments we conjectured that the strong unstable foliation is transitive and that there is a unique invariant measure with absolutely continuous conditionals on strong unstable leaves (u-Gibbs measure), which is then, of course, the SRB measure. For example the image below shows the points of intersection of the strong unstable manifold of the fixed point and a \mathbb T^2 transversal for the Anosov diffeomorphism

(x,y,z)\mapsto (2x+y+0.1\sin(2\pi x),x+2y+z,y+z)


Our first conjecture was proved by Jana Rodriguez Hertz and Raul Ures in a paper posted on arXiv yesterday. In fact, they proved a more general statement.

Theorem. Let L\colon\mathbb T^3\to\mathbb T^3 be a hyperbolic automophism with real spectrum 0<\lambda^s<1<\lambda^{wu}<\lambda^{uu}. Let f be an Anosov diffeomorphism homotopic to A with a partially hyperbolic splitting of the unstable bundle into weak unstable and strong unstable subbundles. Then the strong unstable foliation W^{uu} of f is transitive.

Some ingredients in the proof come from earlier results of Rodriguez Hertz-Rodriguez Hertz-Ures, Didier and Ren-Gan-Zhang. Below the fold I record a self-contained proof following Rodriguez Hertz-Ures. Needless to say that all possible mistakes are due to me.

Note however that denseness of leaves W^{uu}(p) through fixed or periodic points p remains unknown as well as the minimality question.
