Archive for October, 2021

On zoominars

October 25, 2021

Zoominars took off shortly after the onset of the pandemic in April 2020, virtual conferences followed shortly afterwards. In dynamical systems one of the first if not the first were 2020 Virtual Lecture Series in Dynamics organized by University of Maryland dynamics group. I was following pandemics news closely and earlier than most, starting from December 2019. I was reading Chinese media and China-based bloggers and I recognized that the situation will be serious. Still, being an optimist, I was planning to travel to the 2020 Maryland Dynamics Workshop. My hope was that the workshop would happen before the onset of the pandemic in the US. I purchased a ticket to DC some time in February 2020. But instead of enjoying cherry blossom and traditional blackboard talks, I found myself tuning in for the talks in the Virtual Series.
